Liverpool MOBO Streetwaves ‘One’s to Watch’

Liverpool has secured the MOBO Awards 2010… (Music of Black Origin, if anyone was wondering) and it takes place in the fine city on Wed 20 October. To make the most of the occasion this full week is packed with events and I was asked to go down to help on the artist liaison for the Liverpool MOBO Streetwaves ‘One’s to Watch’ concert, that took place last night, at the Contemporary Urban Centre . The gig was a combination of the winners of the local MOBO Streetwaves competition and the national Unsung artists competition, my personal highlights included the E-Laborators, R.I.O. and Janiece Myers..and KOF… ah, you know what? They were all good.

So how did the MOBOs end up leaving the capital and finding themselves in Liverpool this week? One young man would say it’s all thanks to him! Ben, and a group  of Liverpool artists who lobbied, campaigned and fought the powers that be with an onslaught of blogging and viral campaigns to take the MOBOs out of London.

Last night the charming Ben was my right hand man and I have to say I was tempted to snatch that VIP Gold Ticket for Wednesday’s show right out of his well-deserving hand!


Clip of R.I.O. at the gig

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About Anna Maloney
I have worked in destination marketing & communications for over 15 years. I worked with VisitBritain for 5 years to forge a strategic partnership for Liverpool 08: European Capital of Culture to deliver a 5 year global marketing communications plan, engaging cultural partners, artists and creative industries to reposition Liverpool as the 'Centre of the Creative Universe'! Since I've worked on major brands including the Royal Horticultural Society, Royal Albert Hall, Liverpool Sound City, Africa Oye, Morning Gloryville and I'm a co-Director of Hackney WickED Art Festival. I specialise in partnerships and bringing people together, along with an array of experience in developing strategy, project management, marketing comms, development of digital content, branding, curation/programming of events and artist liaison. I love working with like-minded people and collaborating internationally with artists, creative communities and co-working spaces.